In July 2018 Soft Fiction Projects published DORIS, the first issue of a series of publications that investigates crossovers between artist moving image culture and literature.
We publish artists responses to selected contemporary and modern writers who explore underrepresented voices, oppositional histories, geopolitical narratives underpinned by intersectional feminist perspectives which challenge and reframe dominant hegemonic power structures

For this publication we asked selected artists - Rosa Barba, Aideen Doran, Jacqueline Holt, Rosie O'Grady, Valentina Roselli, Anahita Razmi and Sofia Silva - to produce a visual response to the life and works of Doris Lessing.


DORIS was launched during Printing Plant, the first artists book fair organised by Looiersgracht 60 (Amsterdam) in conjunction with the Amsterdam Art Weekend on 23rd-25th November 2018.

Soft Fiction Projects’ workshop ‘B. Destruction of Pleasure is a Radical Weapon’ was included in Printing Plant Public Programme. Here more info about the event. 

DORIS has been selected for the Dublin Art Book Fair 2018: Art + Architecture organised by TEMPLE BAR GALLERY+STUDIOS.

Credits: DORIS front cover and colophon, design by Alex Synge.
Contributions by Rosa Barba [image 3] and Rosie O’Grady [image 4].
